The Mariacki Church Tower Legend

05/08/2012 09:35

The big church that dominates the Kraków main square is dedicated to St. Mary. It’s called the “Mariacki” (Mar – ee- aht – ski). One of the first things you’ll notice about this building is that its two towers are not quite even in height. The story goes that two brothers built the towers. During construction, one of them got angry at the progress of the other, and thought that a little “accident” would be the best way to guarantee finishing first. So, eventually he decided to stab his sibling about a hundred or so times, accidently, and throw him from the top of the building. At some point down the road, he supposedly did confess. After the whole event, however, it was determined to let the towers stand at their current, but different, heights, put a top on them, and call it a day.

Confession: The “hundred or so times” part was my embellishment for dramatic effect. I’m still holding on to the theory, though, that the stabbing could have been an accident, because you just never know when you yourself might have to “chiv” someone and throw him from the top of a 200 foot tower onto a medieval square below. I just like to keep my defense options open. 

Topic: The Mariacki Church Tower Legend

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