The Legend of the Krakow Trumpeter

05/09/2012 08:41

While he won’t win any awards for jazz improv, the Kraków Trumpeter will surely become a favorite from the first time you hear him. Every hour, on the hour, since pretty much for as long as people can remember, the Kraków Trumpeter plays a short song, four times, to the north, south, east and west from the top of one of the towers. The song, as legend has it, was once played to warn townsfolk of an impending attack from the Mongols. The warning worked and the city was saved, however, the Trumpeter took a shot right to the neck and died. This is the reason why his song ends abruptly in the middle of a musical phrase each time it’s played. The Trumpeter is best heard when you have a significant buzz on, in the courtyard to the side of the church, and right beneath one of the windows.

Check out this YouTube link:

Topic: The Legend of the Krakow Trumpeter

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