Street Festival

06/04/2012 08:36

I know that I’ve mentioned this before, but it bears repeating: On most days, you don’t have to go farther than the Old Town square to find something interesting. There is always a crazy thing or two there to amuse you for at least a few minutes, if not much longer. The wandering musicians and buskers are usually pretty talented, especially the gypsies. In addition, there are a lot of organized events that take place every day or so on the square. This year, we’re going to be right in time for a very cool festival of street theatre. I’m psyched, because I haven’t seen this one for years. These performances can range from the fairly small to the very large, and are often a little bizarre in a good way.

 Strangely dressed people who burn shirts at night. Ahh, art!


I found this description of the street festival on the net: “It's a gathering of the world's leading companies, ensembles, and troupes who bring a touch of poetry into everyday life, or give impressive displays of acrobatics. These shows, free of linguistic barriers, overcome the obstacles of cultural differences.” Sounds like fun!

Topic: Street Festival

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