Live Webcams

07/03/2012 08:41

The other day, I did a fun experiment with Ewa. We decided that she would go to an intersection on Grodzka St. when she was out running some errands for the restaurant. There’s a webcam there. She Skyped me from her cell phone, and I was able to go to the webcam site and see her calling. It was kind of cool in a nerdy sort of way. Anyway, I went online and found a few other live cameras that are in places where we’re going. I was surprised at what I found and probably could have uncovered a few others. In any case, here are a few live shots of Krakow, Sanok, Warsaw and Swinoujscie.

Here’s a view of the intersection at Grodzka St., very close to the St. Francis and Dominican Churches. If you continue down this street a couple of minutes, you’ll get to a small square that leads to Ewa’s restaurant. akow/1306,artykul,ulica_grodzka.html

Here’s a view of the main square in Krakow as seen from the end of Bracka St. It might be geeky cool to stand in front of it at a designated time so that people back home can see us :-),artykul,widok_z_ul__brackiej_na_rynek_glowny_.html

Here’s a view on Florianska St., which leads from the old Florian Gate up to the main square:

Another view of one side of the Main Square, with the Sukiennice Cloth Hall on the left, the old city hall tower toward the right, and Wawel Castle far in the background on the left:

In case Warsaw is still on the plate of possible places to visit, here’s a webcam showing part of the main square in the Old Town:

Here’s a live shot of the beach in Izabela’s hometown of Swinoujscie:

The next three are from Sanok, not too far from Polany, the place where the icon museum and ethnographic park are located:

This one’s not a live cam. It is cool, though, as it allows you to take a virtual walk about the ethnographic park. It might take a minute to get the hang of how it works, but it’s pretty neat. As you stop in one place, you can use the arrows to look at a 360 degree view of where you are standing:

Here’s a view, though limited, of one area of the Sanok ethnographic park:

Here’s a view of the small square in Sanok:

Finally, here’s a nice photo of Tatra Mountains that changes every few moment, keeping in mind that the Tatras are not out of the question for a visit as well:

Topic: Live Webcams

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