Krak, Wanda, and Skuba Meet the Dragon (The Early Days of Krakow)
There are variations on this story, but the basic jist involves a prince named Krak, or Krakus, who started a small settlement along the Wisła River, which would later become, of course, Krakow. The only problem was that he set up shop right by a dragon’s lair. As if that wasn’t bad enough, it turns out that the dragon had a thing for devouring young virgins. Good thing for him he didn’t live in Trevorton.
Anyhoo, the shrinking settlement needed to do something, and fast, as the only virgin remaining was Krak’s daughter Wanda. So, Krak offered a reward to anyone who could kill the dragon. Many tried, but only a lowly peasant named Skuba managed to succeed. He took a lamb, killed it, and then stuffed it full of sulphur. The dragon soon came along, found the lamb and ate it. Unfortunately for him, the sulphur made him very thirsty. So, he waddled down to the Wisła and started drinking. No amount of water, however, would quench his thirst. He drank and drank, then drank some more. Eventually, his big dragon belly couldn’t take any more, and he exploded! The town was saved, everyone was happy, and lowly Skuba married the prince’s daughter. I never really heard, though, if Wanda was pleased about marrying down. In any case, I guess it beats the alternative.
So, to this day when I walk along the Wisła and see the little fire-breathing dragon statue near the castle, I think of Wanda living the dream with stinky ole’ Skuba, who probably smelled a lot like a hobo sitting ‘round the campfire. Kind of makes my own life a tad better by comparison. I’m just sayin’.
Topic: Krak, Wanda, and Skuba Meet the Dragon
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